Tuesday 28 October 2014

Shirod Rambles v.09 Ilham GAZA: The Cover


First of all, it is with deep deep deep gratitude that I should thank The Gossiper Project team for their invitation to participate in this project Antologi Cerpen Ilham GAZA. I owe you guys, lots!

Now, let's walk down the lane... this time, Shirod will rambles particularly on the artwork development, only. Not on the the gist of this project, the writings itself. I need to get this popping excitement about the artwork on something. on paper, or in this blog. Thus this is just a ramble of another experience. Kenangan.

22 July 2014
Received invitation to contribute in the anthology.
Offer accepted.
The big question:
Me: Berapa page TGP? 
TGP: 10-15 pages.

23 July 2014
Apa yang dirisaukan telah terjadi. Kalau satu hari Shirod dah tiada, my generations can read and acknowledge that I have virtual-friends, who are so close to my heart, whom I get to know through my writing helipads, and who can shout at me, deyyyy me sesuka hati, and I still LOVE them. Virtually. Unconditionally.

Cerpen e-book mencecah 15ms
Sekali lagi
Nanti edit dulu ya

TGP: Hang memang kan! Suka lajak!

Terlajak perahu boleh reverse
Terlajak keyboard syg nak delete

9 August 2014
Then, tiba lah masanya...
I was lazily on bed sambil baca ebook. Masih dalam cuti raya di rumah di Malaysia. At the same time, it was summer break in Tokyo. So cuti-cuti Malaysia lah waktu tu. Lepak.
Dan... ketika sedang bersantai santai... bersama tart sebotol...
Buzz message masuk.

Shiroddd... (nampak tak ejaan yang berunsur pujukan mendayu! TGP, maaf sekali lagi, I masih.lap.u! ehehehhehe)

doodle kan cover boleh?

Terus Shirod duduk bersandar.
For the cover?
And, I thought you will never ask me that question, TGP!

To be frank, dah lama Shirod tak buat water color based painting, especially painting yang ada theme/mission. And the first form that I can imagine during that time was waterspot/splat form. To represent the blood-shed. The life lost. The battle they withstand. Tapi bentuk blood spot/splat susah nak feel kalau guna pencil color.

Lately, my art piece concentrated on pencil sketches and inking. Kenapa? Sebab rumah Jepun kecil sahaja. When I paint, I need big...wide space untuk campak campak, splat splash. Rumah yang kecil, dan dengan warning yang kami terima daripada tuan rumah sebelum masuk ke rumah Jepun, 'tak boleh kotor/ rosak'. Every defect will cost you money as you leave the house', bla...bla...Jadi, untuk empat tahun Shirod tak berkarya guna cat air or acrylic. Pencil dan black ink sahaja yang ikut ke mana-mana. Kain canvas dah lama duk terperap dalam stor rumah Johor. Buku sketch dan buku nota jalur satu sahaja yang ada dalam bag pack. Tak ada perasaan nak beli water-based paints. Dah lama.

But since, my targeted framework was 'splat' form, thus Shirod perlu 'gali' stor cari bahan water color painting. Bongkar punya bongkar, tanya my family, my niece yang sekolah rendah, ada water color tak? ada water color? Akhirnya, jumpa. Jumpa apa?
Sekotak set buncho sedozen warna. Itu sahaja stok yang ada. Hanya itu.
My tube paints, mostly all sudah penyek. Dah lama tak restock.
Belek punya belek set buncho tu. Tanya diri sendiri, will this do any justice?
Hmmm, nak tak nak, kena guna jugalah.
Cuba. Insyallah, boleh dapat effect yang shirod nak.
Insyallah. Yakin.
Kena yakin.

Okay, pernah buat painting guna straw tak?
Dekat sekolah?
Zaman sekolah rendah?
The one where you put a blob of paint, then you blow, haaa...
Yes! Same method applied for this artwork.
Mula-mula bancuh cat ikut warna bendera Palestin.
Do you know apa makna empat warna dalam bendera Palestin?
Prior to this, while trying to get the right hues for the red and green, I did googled. Dan makna warna tu...symbol of Arab unity. I was thinking, like...seriously?!? unity? errr...no comment. 

Bila dah ada cat, cari pula kertas. Takde stok jugak! Do you know that there are special water color artist paper that will give you magnificent water color effect if you use the right piece as base? Ada jenis hard press, yang ni smooth je texture dia. But I would prefer yang ada texture, diorang panggil cold press. tapi stok kertas yang best memang tak ada kat rumah. Yang ada cuma stok kertas A4 ayah buat kerja. Boleh lah. Kalau tak jadi, kira ni testing ground lah ya.

Shirod mulalah taped kertas A4 atas meja kat foyer. Mak dah jeling menjeling. Dia tahulah tu. Kalau dah start tape kertas gaya gini, it will be one messy day ahead.

"Nak buat apa?" Mak tanya.
"Ada job sikit." Anak jawab. Sengih. Angkat-angkat kening sikit.
"Lepas buat, kemas." Mak nasihat.
"O-K." Anak janji. Senyum lebar. Waktu tu, di luar rumah mula nak hujan gerimis.

Dan, setelah dibancuh bancuh warna merah dan hijau, kerja menceduk warna, drop atas kertas dan blow pun bermula. Tak sampai beberapa minit, datang segerombolan askar. My platoons. Nieces and nephews. Cuti raya, who do you expect? Sebelum tu, diorang main basikal. Bila dah gerimis, sibuk semua berkumpul bawah foyer.

"Mama buat apa?" Tanya si anak saudara.
"Painting." Jawab si mak saudara. Yes, dalam ini rumah ada undeng-undeng. Semua makcik pakcik tak dipanggil pakcik or makcik, or mak long, mak short, takdak. Anak you anak i, anak i anak you juga. sharing is terlebih caring. 
"Macam best je, ma." Ada unsur ayat nak mengurat di situ.
"Memang best pun." Makin galak mak saudara ni blow blow. Kasi hangin sama itu anak sedara sebab masih tak ajak dia join sama. 
Platoons sengih-sengih. "Nak buat jugak."
Mak sedara tengok muka platoons seorang-seorang-seorang-seorang-seorang. Ya, lima orang semuanya. Three flowers, two beetles (or more like beezy bees! Bugging the flowers 24/7).
Mak sedara balas, "Pergi cari straw."

Dan hasilnya, setelah tumpah air bancuhan, messy tangan, messy atas meja, messy comot muka semua, inilah hasil mak sedara dapat buat secara waras. Selebihnya acara mengecat secara tak waras sahaja. Membuatkan seorang maktok beristigfar panjang juga di hujung acara. Katanya, "Pergi masuk mandi!" Ayat ditujukan untuk platoons. Faham-fahamlah ya ropanya bagaimana!

Above all, Alhamdulillah. Few GAZA theme 'bloodsplat' were developed. As you can see here in this snapshot:

Based on this, next, Shirod buat mock-up layout.  

10 August 2014
Hati Piatu, together with Peachy Megabit full script, plus the 1st proposed basic layout were sent via email to TGP. We decided that we need cover as well as page dividers. Done.

By 12 August 2014
Second layout were proposed.

On 15 September 2014
Third layout was developed.

For the purpose of promotion, by 16 October 2014, profile pictures of the titles and writers initials were proposed. Followed by a base for any future blurb's promotions.

And last step, to finalize the proposed cover.
It took about one hour to finalize on the font, final format layout with the text and page dividers all in all via our chat windows.

Finale: this is the cover.

And, that is what you received via your email, readers (kalau beli antologi tu lah ya). Alhamdulillah.
And I hope, insyaAllah, Shirod dapat bekerjasama lagi dalam projek projek yang macam ni.
The excitement keep the pulse racing.
Itu yang paling best.
Life vibes.

Okay, enough rambles.

Maaf sekali lagi, atas penggunaan bahasa yang merojakkan bangsa.
Bukan final mss pun kan. Ini sekadar luahan jiwa. Ampuni hamba. :D

Diharap readers/buyers who contributes through Antologi Cerpen Ilham GAZA berpuashati dengan cerita yang disampaikan, dengan kualiti persembahan. Diharap antologi kami itu membawa manfaat kepada yang membaca.

Terima kasih sekali lagi untuk TGP for your generous effort, for your invitation.
Readers, terima kasih di atas setiap sen, setiap ringgit yang anda sumbangkan.
Semoga ia menjadi 'saham' yang menjamin kita kemudian hari, insyaAllah. Aminn.

InsyaAllah, TGP, mereka akan ada lagi projek berunsur amal sebegini di masa hadapan.
Like The Gossiper Project page FB di sini untuk membeli ebook Antologi keluaran TGP dan untuk mengetahui perkembangan projek mereka pada masa akan datang:


Salam, love.

A snippet untuk sesiapa yang belum memiliki ebook ANTOLOGI CERPEN ILHAM GAZA. (RM10)

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