Saturday 22 March 2014

SHIROD Rambles v.04: IMAN inbox vol.12

IMAN inbox is a story of hidden loves in Richard Krisnan, Adinda Alwi and Taufik Tarmizi. 
Cerita biasa..santai santai lepak lepak je shirod buat pada awalnya..tapi jadi meng'stress'kan banyak pihak ...gulppp.. 
Jadi shirod rephrases ayat shirod, shirod MENAIP cerita ini dalam keadaan santai n lepak lepak...sambil tengok tv, sambil tunggu CNN update MH370, sambil dalam train, sambil bancuh kopi kat pantry...tapi cerita nya tidak lah santai ya, readers..? What say you? Ahaksss... 

This has been a very wonderful experience in plot shirod posts, love readers give feedback, and shirod twist plots further! The feelings is mutual, readers rasa ups n downs perasaan Adinda-Richard-Taufik. Shirod felt your frustations towards the scene, your happiness when the scene berbunga bunga, your hate..every single comment shirod digs n tried to improve in every sense that I can. 

Herewith, is a chapter for viewers yang belum ada dalam group fb shirod shukri love travelers.... Join us there! 

The full entry for this volume were deleted. :) peace 

Sunday 16 March 2014

SHIROD Rambles v.03 : When Love Arrives

Dalam poetry ini ada loves that described #RaynPearl, ada #DeenCindi, #FuaDahlea and #RichAdindaTaufik


Look for the video in youtube here 

When Love Arrives by Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye

I knew exactly what love looked like – in seventh grade

Even though I hadn’t met love yet, if love had wandered into my homeroom, I would’ve recognized him at first glance. Love wore a hemp necklace. 
I would’ve recognized her at first glance, love wore a tight french braid. 
Love played acoustic guitar and knew all my favorite Beatles songs.
Love wasn’t afraid to ride the bus with me. 
And I knew, I just must be searching the wrong classrooms, just must be checking the wrong hallways, she was there, I was sure of it. 
If only I could find him.

But when love finally showed up, she had a bow cut. 
He wore the same clothes every day for a week.
Love hated the bus. 
Love didn’t know anything about The Beatles. 
Instead, every time I try to kiss love, our teeth got in the way.
Love became the reason I lied to my parents. I’m going to- Ben’s house. 
Love had terrible rhythm on the dance floor, but made sure we never missed a slow song. 
Love waited by the phone because she knew if her father picked up it would be: “Hello? Hello? I guess they hung up.”

And love grew, stretched like a trampoline. 
Love changed. Love disappeared, 
Slowly, like baby teeth, losing parts of me I thought I needed. 
Love vanished like an amateur magician, and everyone could see the trapdoor but me. 
Like a flat tire, there were other places I planned on going, but my plans didn’t matter. 
Love stayed away for years, and when love finally reappeared, I barely recognized him. 
Love smelt different now, had darker eyes, a broader back, love came with freckles I didn’t recognize. 
New birthmarks, a softer voice. 
Now there were new sleeping patterns, new favorite books. 
Love had songs that reminded him of someone else, songs love didn’t like to listen to. So did I.

But we found a park bench that fit us perfectly
We found jokes that make us laugh. 
And now, love makes me fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies. 
But love will probably finish most of them for a midnight snack. 
Love looks great in lingerie but still likes to wear her retainer. 
Love is a terrible driver, but a great navigator. 
Love knows where she’s going, it just might take her two hours longer than she planned. 
Love is messier now, not as simple. 
Love uses the words “boobs” in front of my parents. 
Love chews too loud. 
Love leaves the cap off the toothpaste. 
Love uses smiley faces in her text messages. 
And turns out, love shits!

But love also cries. 
And love will tell you you are beautiful and mean it, over and over again. “You are beautiful.”
When you first wake up, “you are beautiful.” 
When you’ve just been crying, “you are beautiful.” 
When you don’t want to hear it, “you are beautiful.” 
When you don’t believe it, “you are beautiful.” 
When nobody else will tell you, “you are beautiful.” 
Love still thinks you are beautiful. 
But love is not perfect and will sometimes forget, when you need to hear it most, you are beautiful, do not forget this.

Love is not who you were expecting, love is not who you can predict. 
Maybe love is in New York City, already asleep;
You are in California, Australia, wide awake. 
Maybe love is always in the wrong time zone.
Maybe love is not ready for you. 
Maybe you are not ready for love. 
Maybe love just isn’t the marrying type. 
Maybe the next time you see love is twenty years after the divorce, love is older now, but just as beautiful as you remembered. 
Maybe love is only there for a month. 
Maybe love is there for every firework, every birthday party, every hospital visit. 
Maybe love stays- maybe love can’t. 
Maybe love shouldn’t.

Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to, 
And love leaves exactly when love must. 
When love arrives, say, “Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.”
If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her. 
Turn off the music, listen to the quiet, whisper, 
“Thank you for stopping by.”

Wednesday 12 March 2014

SHIROD Rambles v.02: IMANinbox

Salam & Konnichiwa lovers :) 

Shirod nak rambles about satu lagi cerita ceriti love-travelogue di fb group shirod. 

Yuppp! That's the tajuk lahh.. 

Only released in fb group for SHIROD SHUKRI love travellers.. 

Cerita baru mula, baru volume 01 

And, shirod bagi snipputs sket ya..

Oleh yang demikiannnn... 
Dijemput ke fb group shirod :) 


Monday 10 March 2014

Cerpen-dek: CINDI-tak-RELA

Cerpen-dek : CINDI-tak-RELA
11 Februari 2014

Di hadapan pintu Gate A8. Dia sepatutnya menunggu di pintu bertanda A8. Tapi kenapa dipenuhi orang-orang gelap yang ramai ini?
Tenaga buruh negara kah ini?
Di mana perginya anak-anak pemilik kartu negara biru?
Satu pertiga pesawat kalau nak dikira ni. Dahssyaaatt!

"Sorry, adik maniss, saya mahu tanya. Ini pirigi Johor? Ada betulll?" Tiba-tiba dirinya disapa. Bisikan diri terhenti. Liur ditelan.
"Err...ya..ya. Pergi Johor." Ringkas dia menjawab.
"Terima kasih."

Jangan tunggu lagi.!
Lebih baik bersikap prejudis, daripada jadi free-'chikedees'!

Cepat-cepat dia beralih ke pintu A7. Bukannya jauh. Bertentangan sahaja. Melabuhkan duduk di kerusi yang diletakkan sepanjang laluan ke pintu check-in A7.
Sempat memberi peringatan untuk dirinya sendiri, 'Jangan salah gate!'

Di kerusi yang diduduki, ada selang satu kerusi kosong. Ada seorang lelaki yang resah gelisah.
"Penerbangan ke Kota Bharu di tunda..." Bergema.
"Damn! #*\#! Again!" Keluh si lelaki seorang diri. Nafas berat dilepaskan.

Automatik kepalanya tertoleh ke kanan, mencari wajah yang bersuara itu.

Si lelaki dot-dot yang sedang elok duduk membongkok, siku menongkat badan, turut tertoleh ke kiri. Baru menyedari yang keluhannya terluah agak kuat dan didengari orang di kiri kanannya.

"Tak payah lah nak damn damn bagai. Damn banyak mana pun, flight tu tak jadik cepat pun." Sindiran ikhlas. Mulut berkata-kata menuju kepada si lelaki, tapi wajah ditala tegak ke gateway sebenar, bertentangan di sana.

Makan dalam...makan dalam! Si lelaki angkat kening, "Like I care?"

"Ada budak kecil kan sebelah awak tu. Yes! You should care! Budi bahasa budaya kita. Bagus lah tu. Tunjuk lah kat budak kecik tu budaya damn awak tu!" Intonasi yang dia gunakan masih bernada lembut tapi kasar bermakna. Tangan menyelak helaian sebuah buku. Multi-tasking. Mata melihat isi kandungan daily-planner di tangannya itu. Otak berfikir. Esok? Apa jadual nya esok?

Si lelaki toleh ke kanannya pula. Ada budak? Damn! Budak kecil yang dimaksudkan sedang tersenyum kepadanya.

"Hi uncle. Damn! #*\#! Again!" Senyum.

"Errr..." Terkesima. Kembali menoleh ke kiri, "err, sorry. My bad. Tak perasan ada budak."

"Ada budak, takde budak. Tak payah bermaki maki kan lagi baik. Tak geti nak jaga lidah. Nampak educated, nampak civilize sangat, tapi...huh! Sendiri mau pikir lah."

Adehh! Koyak jantung mendengar ayat si dia ni, fikir si lelaki.

Senyap. Jeda.
"Tunggu flight KB juga?"
"Dari mana?"
"Bisu?" Memang lah tidak.
Berbalas! Berbalas jelingan tajam. Auch!

"Panggilan untuk penumpang ke Johor Bahru, penerbangan MH1063, sila ke pintu A8..." Berkumandang di ruang udara.

"Bisu ya? Hmmmm... Saya, TAK RELA nak berkenalan dengan orang yang tak geti jaga bahasa. Your choice of words, describe who you are, mister!" Sengaja ayat 'tak rela' ditekan. Ditambah perisa pula dengan reaksi jengkel di wajah. Punggung diangkat. Gerak melangkah menuju ke pintu A8.

Dia lebih rela beratur panjang bersama pendatang-pendatang yang ramai tadi, berbanding duduk bersembang dengan si lelaki pribumi yang kurang tatabahasa itu.

Tidak rela. Full stop.

Dush! Terasa wajahnya ibarat disimbah sebaldi air sejuk di bawah paras beku. Si lelaki hanya mampu mengekori langkah si gadis ke pintu pelepasan bertentangan dengan lirikan matanya.

Hai lah nasib badan...dah lah penerbangannya tertunda. Dapat pula 'tamparan hebat' dari Cik Tak Rela. Hanya kerana mulut nya...

Your choice of words, describe who you are, mister!

Terngiang-ngiang di telinga!

Setengah jam berlalu...
"Uncle punya?" tanya si anak kecil. Si copycat tadi. Telunjuknya menghala kepada sesuatu di bawah kerusi didudukinya.

Si lelaki turut sama membongkok melihat apa yang dimaksudkan oleh si anak kecil.
Ada sesuatu, yang pasti itu bukan miliknya.

Sebuah daily-planner...

Diselak muka pertama, "Tak, bukan uncle punya."


"Aunty Cindi-tak-rela yang punya."


*nota-tangan: hanya cerpen yang sangat pendek. Inspired by incident sesama rakyat satu negara yang kurang berbudi bahasa berbanding orang asing yang sering disalahsangka...tetapi sebenarnya lebih menghormati budaya bahasa kita.

Mahu sambung kah cerita ini? sambung? end here? sambung? ... maybe, ready for boarding!


Ramble volume -ve 0.1

This was partly published dekat rumah lama.
Dipindahkan ke rumah ini:

What love is...
Do you expect mushy-mushy love story from me?
Perhaps yes...but please DO NOT... 
Hehe...saya tak geti nak lovey dovey... 
And all the characters in my stories are straight-forward-non-mushy but high-dosed in-love people...
How do they share their love ? 
Not thru words...but through their caring gestures and normal people reactions when you are full of love...
Some of the lovey characters not even utter the words 'love' but they are in love... meant to be felt and melt in you...not visibly grasp, perhaps 

Sorry if I don't do the gula-manis ayat lovey dovey mushy in my is just me...the straight-forward writer... Peace ! :D 

Sunday 9 March 2014


Assalamualaikum Love Travellers...
Dimulakan dengan bismillahhir rahmannir rahim...
Kita di rumah baru u ols!

Okay, makluman... mengapakah kita berpindah rumah?
01. Link corrupt, link malicious, broken, etc...
Nyanyi sket....
Jambatan sudah roboh,  
sudah roboh..
Jadi, rumah ini dibina kerana link 'jambatan' untuk ke rumah lama shirod selalu corrupt. Kasihan readers yang selalu tak dapat latest updates on our PRD, Dd and CtR.

02. shirodahlea vs shirod shukri
First travelogue Shirod was Darling Dahlea. And probably only some might noticed that the meaning behind the name SHIROD is actually 'SHE WROTE'.
And the moment shirod first wrote #DahlFuad, I never thought there will be #PearlRayn, #CindiDeen and recently added to the family #Iman&guesswho. Thus, during that time, the best name I could think of was SHEWROTEDAHLEA = shirodahlea.

And .... you, you, you... with first few steps lead by three special personnel LS, SA and SA (you know who you are) brought SHIROD SHUKRI's writings alive. Arigatou ne. Syukur Alhamdulillah. It just changed in a swift move that SHE-who-wrote-dahlea became SHIROD SHUKRI.
*please stop me from rambling further...arrrgghhh!!!

So, dengan segala hormatnya, SHIROD SHUKRI ingin menjemput semula semua warga love travellers, readers and writers ke rumah baru ini. Rumah lama akan berdiri di situ sehingga rumah baru ini feel homey and lively.

In future, there will be folders of

SHIROD Rambles maknanya tu yang bukan-bukan lah tu Shirod ngaruts ya, upload on theme-song for our e-novel, poets, drawings, doodles... part rambling ni tak baca pun tak apa... hehehe...

Chapters of e-novels, insyaAllah updated once a week, in particular samada hari rabu (when its usually sensei-not-around day! ahaks!!) ; or weekends... and hopefully, with your kindness, bolehlah tinggalkan komen yg berunsur 'membina' menghentam atau mengapa-apakan karya itu, untuk tahu sejauh mana hasil tulisan saya itu ya...

SHIROD Travelogue on ramblings of my travel whereabouts. Mana-mana lah Shirod pergi nanti Shirod share the experience with all readers ya... InsyaAllah.

The main theme of this blog remains targeted on a traveller's travelogue with hidden love story underneath, which Shirod hopes will be disembarked into your hearts. 
For those who follow Shirod di facebook kat sini, mesti ingat my first poster ni...

It was just a monologue. Which has turn into this lively LOVE TRAVELOGUE. Tarikh SHIROD launch that fb group page will always be one of my most important timeline. 

So let's embark into our journey, with hopes that Shirod dapat berkongsi ilmu dunia akhirat with all readers and followers, as mentioned, point of disembarkation is targeted at YOUR HEART. 

Diakhiri dengan Alhamdulillah..
Dan sekali lagi Bismillahhir rahmannir rahim. 

a.k.a iphone keypad warrior with kak pah tagging along tolong chargekan henpon yang asik battery kong! Ahaks! 

Ja ne!