Sunday 9 March 2014


Assalamualaikum Love Travellers...
Dimulakan dengan bismillahhir rahmannir rahim...
Kita di rumah baru u ols!

Okay, makluman... mengapakah kita berpindah rumah?
01. Link corrupt, link malicious, broken, etc...
Nyanyi sket....
Jambatan sudah roboh,  
sudah roboh..
Jadi, rumah ini dibina kerana link 'jambatan' untuk ke rumah lama shirod selalu corrupt. Kasihan readers yang selalu tak dapat latest updates on our PRD, Dd and CtR.

02. shirodahlea vs shirod shukri
First travelogue Shirod was Darling Dahlea. And probably only some might noticed that the meaning behind the name SHIROD is actually 'SHE WROTE'.
And the moment shirod first wrote #DahlFuad, I never thought there will be #PearlRayn, #CindiDeen and recently added to the family #Iman&guesswho. Thus, during that time, the best name I could think of was SHEWROTEDAHLEA = shirodahlea.

And .... you, you, you... with first few steps lead by three special personnel LS, SA and SA (you know who you are) brought SHIROD SHUKRI's writings alive. Arigatou ne. Syukur Alhamdulillah. It just changed in a swift move that SHE-who-wrote-dahlea became SHIROD SHUKRI.
*please stop me from rambling further...arrrgghhh!!!

So, dengan segala hormatnya, SHIROD SHUKRI ingin menjemput semula semua warga love travellers, readers and writers ke rumah baru ini. Rumah lama akan berdiri di situ sehingga rumah baru ini feel homey and lively.

In future, there will be folders of

SHIROD Rambles maknanya tu yang bukan-bukan lah tu Shirod ngaruts ya, upload on theme-song for our e-novel, poets, drawings, doodles... part rambling ni tak baca pun tak apa... hehehe...

Chapters of e-novels, insyaAllah updated once a week, in particular samada hari rabu (when its usually sensei-not-around day! ahaks!!) ; or weekends... and hopefully, with your kindness, bolehlah tinggalkan komen yg berunsur 'membina' menghentam atau mengapa-apakan karya itu, untuk tahu sejauh mana hasil tulisan saya itu ya...

SHIROD Travelogue on ramblings of my travel whereabouts. Mana-mana lah Shirod pergi nanti Shirod share the experience with all readers ya... InsyaAllah.

The main theme of this blog remains targeted on a traveller's travelogue with hidden love story underneath, which Shirod hopes will be disembarked into your hearts. 
For those who follow Shirod di facebook kat sini, mesti ingat my first poster ni...

It was just a monologue. Which has turn into this lively LOVE TRAVELOGUE. Tarikh SHIROD launch that fb group page will always be one of my most important timeline. 

So let's embark into our journey, with hopes that Shirod dapat berkongsi ilmu dunia akhirat with all readers and followers, as mentioned, point of disembarkation is targeted at YOUR HEART. 

Diakhiri dengan Alhamdulillah..
Dan sekali lagi Bismillahhir rahmannir rahim. 

a.k.a iphone keypad warrior with kak pah tagging along tolong chargekan henpon yang asik battery kong! Ahaks! 

Ja ne! 


  1. Wsalamm..

    Jambatan sudah robohhhh..erkk!! Hahaha

    Entry baru??

  2. Pahh...n3 aku mana Pahhh...
    Ko jgn buat mcm ni Pahh...
    Pahh...asyik Pahh...
